Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 2 with the new blog

I want to thank Shimelle and all the girls that are taking the 'Blogging for Scrapebookers' class for all the healp they have given me as far as getting my template in and my side bar gadgets back.
You guys are the best. I can't wait for this class to start because I know I am going to learn a lot


Denise said...

Hello, just paying you a visit via Shimelle's class - your blog's coming along great :-)

debs14 said...

So pleased you got there in the end! Will be interested to do 'before and after' looks at all our blogs at the end of this class!
Looking forward to seeing how things progress once we all get going properly.

Elizabeth said...

Like the brushes you used on the background. Blog looks great!